Timberwolves 2022 Basketball Clinic
An Experience to Remember!!!!
If you are looking to have fun, improve your skills and elevate your game, this is the clinic for you!
Aanjibimaadizing and the Timberwolves are excited to provide players with an opportunity to learn from the best…
The experienced Timberwolves staff will engage each player and challenge them to be their best while having fun in becoming a better athlete!
Waiver and Emergency Contact Info
To register or for more information, contact Carlos at 320-674-4347 or Carlos.Merrill2@millelacsband.com
July 20 & 21, 2022
District 1 Community Aquatic & Fitness Center
3rd-6th Grade 9am-12pm Both Days
7th-12th Grade 1 p m-4pm Both Days
Late August (Dates will be announced soon)
District 3 Meshakwad Community Center
3rd-6th Grade 9am-12pm Both Days
7th-12th Grade 1 p m-4pm Both Days